Future Dystopia
Nature is all we have left...

Nature is all we have left...

The Trees of Eternity

The Trees of Eternity

Lost Innocence

Lost Innocence

Worldly-wise Woman

Worldly-wise Woman

One with the Land

One with the Land

The Sisters

The Sisters

Closer to Nature

Closer to Nature

Nature in Action

Nature in Action

One with Nature

One with Nature

Doll Face

Doll Face

What's Normal?

What's Normal?

Autumn Vibes

Autumn Vibes





Sweet Flower

Sweet Flower

In Need of Repair

In Need of Repair

The Apple

The Apple

Future Dystopia

These images are based on a theme of societal collapse across the world. This is, in part, due to Western government corruption and the apathy of the people. It is one possible future. Everything is potential. The people, the landscape and the homes and facilities available to them.

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